Delighted to hear that Tony Hall is wanting to use the BBC Orchestras in an ambitious and broad ranging project in Primary Schools. An excellent idea, which I hope government might match in terms of commitment. My hope would be that all those kids undoubtedly inspired by access to an orchestra would be given genuine opportunities in the State System to further that motivation.
I may have misunderstood, but the BBC website says, " Classical Music should not be for an elite or a minority, Tony Hall will say." I agree, but this is already pandering to a misconception in the minds of the public(and the media).
Let me explain. There is nothing elitist about Classical Music. To go to a concert, sit in the best seats and have a drink at the interval almost certainly costs less than watching a Premiership football match. Nobody says football is elitist. Because fewer people go to Classical Concerts doesn't mean it's elitist either; it just means fewer people (and the media) are interested in Classical Music. You can access music now in a totally democratic and free way, whether with spotify or youtube. Access has never been easier. If you try and get access to highlights of a football match on youtube you'll either have to watch it in grainy confusion or with an commentary in Arabic ( often very good).
Please don't confuse minority interest with elitism. And the more we get out to state schools all over the UK, the quicker we can turn that minority into a majority.